
“The Heidelberg pedigree stays with one, often for a long time, often for entire careers, as it were.‘

This living and breathing relationship of our faculty with  brilliant minds at the helm of the profession ensures direct, well connected and immediate contact with all the latest trends and developments in world-class interpreting.

As you start working for International Institutions, Federal Ministries and in some of the top freelance market segments we want to be proud of you. And we want you to be proud of having graduated from this programme, which is steeped. in a tradition. of excellence.

And then it all. Comes. Together. All the bits and pieces you have collated and honed to perfection converge into a successful professional persona, strategically equipped, to meet the needs – of tomorrow’s settings in CI.

Use the sheer power of the massive professional mental toolkit to forge ahead into new terrain, new modes of CI.

Acquiring in the process a true dedication to this fascinating profession.